Sunday, April 20, 2008


A lot of the music we like is found on french blogs. I found this song forty six years ago while stranded on an island, it was in a bottle with a note attached:

One listens a lot of pieces. To every day, leaving for the work, to the school, while there returning, while eating little imports. To there to think, among all the songs that one listens, rare are the one that distract me of my task or of my thoughts or of funny homeless person that wanders on the sidewalk next to me. But the songs exist that demand our total attention and that do in to go out that one thinks about all in measure of this song. One looks at the others and one says that them they do not know to which not at all my ears enjoy in this moment or, they would like that them to be enough cool to listen a good songs as that. And well this is the song case that I present you this afternoon. A perfect song, as this afternoon. A song that competes with the hardest bangers, without for as much to be rough or unruly to a fault. A sample of true instruments, without a forbidding filter, a simple build-up with a big kick of house. The song kind that kills all in softness. DJ DLG is responsible of this masterpiece. His EP Here à Rock is available on Beatport, and deserves your some dollars.

DJ DLG - Paramount

One listens to a lot of pieces, not many are paramounts. Is house coming back?


Anonymous said...

bomb. i wanted less water drop interludes tho

Anonymous said...

p.s. what's the picture?

Tony said...